Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac OS

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Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Numerous video games were released in 2012. Many awards went to games such as Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Journey, Mass Effect 3, The Walking Dead and XCOM: Enemy Unknown.The year began with the worldwide release of Sony's handheld game console, the PlayStation Vita, originally launched in Japan in December 2011.The end of the year marked the worldwide release of Nintendo's home game console.


In 1995, I heard about computer networks for the first time. Not the flash and shadow of CIA 'networks,' but a real Mac in my room talking to the Mac in my brother's. We suffered and fed an addiction to Bungie's excellent Marathon series, which drove my network needs and an ongoing battle with sleep deprivation. The first step, connecting our Macs with a printer cable, soon led to drilling holes in my closet wall. Snow and ice couldn't stop me—I had to get those Ethernet cables through!

Somewhere along the way, I started keeping a diary of my network hackery. My normally stolid nature aside, I feared making a mistake that would render my computer inoperable. (Or even knock out power grids in nearby states.) The diary held a record of the network setup process, should a 'back to step one' disaster occur.

Over five years and multiple incarnations, my network diary became, a network guide for various levels of Mac user. Initially hosted at my college and later on my own dime, it's now under ATPM's charge. The site persists to this day, outliving Super Bowl luminaries like and

But What Does It Mean?

Ah yes. What now? lies largely fallow, with no substantial updates since it moved to the ATPM servers a couple years ago. In the Threemacs world, Mac OS 9 is still nouveau. In reality, Apple has since churned out Mac OS X and Rendezvous, which feature significantly enhanced network functions. Windows file sharing, FTP access, and printer sharing all went from expensive add-ons to standard features. If you use these features, the $100 you spent for Jaguar paid for itself twice over.

A primary reason for no updates? Stuff is easier to use than it used to be. Generally speaking, more features haven't caused more trouble. Mac OS X keeps it all tidy in the Network and Sharing preferences panes. Back in OS 8 and 9, network functions bounced among control panels and the large number of Mac models made it difficult to troubleshoot problems. As a wise bear once said, 'Oh, bother!'

Despite its out-to-pasture nature, Threemacs remains somewhat popular. I haven't checked visitor stats recently, but last year, a public poll of top Mac sites placed it in the top 50. The average Mac's long lifespan surely contributes. I picture veteran Mac users wondering how to get newer Macs to play nice with Mac OS 7 and 8. 'Share to the network, printer! I command thee!'

But What Happens to Your Site Feedback?

Hmm, good question. Threemacs used to receive a couple dozen questions a day, everything from simple clarifications to requests to 'please hook up this configuration in your testing lab.' A good-natured chuckle to that one—I've never owned more than two computers, but appreciate the implied vote of confidence.

Truthfully, I haven't answered much feedback since ATPM took over. My fellow staffers are a great resource, following up comments on my columns promptly and in detail. There's not much day-to-day stuff left to write about. I've just my faithful Cube and the corporate-issue Dell laptop; even calling it a network is a stretch.

One-Trick Pony?

There will be an update to replace old sections of Threemacs with pointers to newer ATPM columns, but that's it. So is there more you'd like to see? The short story to this column is that while there's always something under the sun to write about, the network options seem slim. Disagree? Let me know. Otherwise, I plan to move to other fields of interest, Mac-happy but focused on the present. 'For great justice!'

Copyright © 2003 Matthew Glidden, Matthew Glidden is the webmaster of, a guide to constructing and maintaining home and small-office Macintosh networks. He can also tango and juggle, not necessarily at the same time.

It was one of the most ambitious computer-product announcements in history. On April 2, 1987, at twin press conferences in New York and Miami, IBM unveiled its plans to reinvent the PC industry, which it had jump-started less than six years earlier with the introduction of the first IBM PC. The company introduced four new computers dubbed the PS/2 line, including an $11,000 model that it said was seven times faster than current models. The new products were rife with advanced features, including 32-bit processors, fancy graphics, 3.5-in. hard-shell floppy-disk drives and optical storage.

And the new hardware was accompanied by a next-generation operating system, OS/2. Co-developed by IBM and Microsoft, it was intended to replace DOS, the aging software that then powered most of the planet's microcomputers.

(PHOTOS:A Brief History of the Computer)

It never did. Instead, Microsoft's Windows reinvigorated DOS, helping end IBM's control of the PC standard it had created. By the mid-1990s, IBM had given up on OS/2 — a major step in the company's slow-motion retreat from the PC industry, which it completed in 2005 by agreeing to sell its PC division to China's Lenovo.

But while OS/2 never truly caught on, it's also never gone away. Even if you believe that you never saw it in action, there's a decent chance that you unwittingly encounter it occasionally. More on that later.

Back in 1987, the possibility that the world might politely refuse to do as IBM instructed would have seemed implausible. Apple's iconic '1984' TV commercial, which showed IBM customers as an army of unquestioning drones, was fantasy — but fantasy based on a certain degree of truth. Nobody, it was famously said, was ever fired for buying IBM. Yet OS/2 was an IBM product that the market, in general, chose not to buy.

When it was announced, however, the need seemed obvious, and its potential appeared to be huge. Tech writer Esther Schindler remembers:

I happened to be working at [leading software developer] Lotus as a contractor 25 years ago, on the day OS/2 1.0 was announced. A couple of guys had been locked in a room in the basement with several PS/2s and OS/2 1.0 … and emerged to show up the marvelous capabilities of the new hardware.

OS/2 promised multitasking, not just task switching. It knew how to handle memory … It did a heck of a lot of cool things … I don't think it's easy for young whippersnappers to grasp how big a deal the PS/2 and OS/2 were at the time. We were certain, absolutely certain, that nothing would be the same again. The closest I can come to it was the reaction after the first iPhone was released: the sense that It's all different now.

As it turns out, the PS/2 and OS/2 1.0 didn't have the impact everyone expected … but we thought they would.

OS/2 felt so important at first because DOS was still a gussied-up version of the rickety 16-bit software that Microsoft had licensed in 1980 for $10,000 from a tiny company called Seattle Computer Products. Windows, which first appeared in 1985, sat atop DOS and inherited its many flaws, such as the inability to utilize large amounts of memory and an eight-character limit on file names. The whole mess couldn't utilize memory properly and was prone to frequent crashes. It was begging to be replaced.

Vaporous Beginnings

Of course, OS/2 couldn't begin to replace anything until it shipped. And like many a technology product before and after, it remained vaporware for months after being announced. At the April 1987 launch, IBM said it intended to release the software in 1988, so when it finished the first version in December 1987, it got to say that OS/2 1.0 had shipped ahead of schedule.

But OS/2 stayed vaporous and incomplete for years after that. The first version let you use DOS-style commands such as DIR and COPY but had no mouse-driven, graphical user interface; that didn't show up until version 1.1 appeared in October 1988.

By November 1989, fewer than 200,000 copies of OS/2 had been sold, in part because it was far too resource-hungry to run on most existing computers. It needed a bare minimum of 4 megabytes of memory to run adequately in an era when it wasn't a given that PCs had even 1 megabyte. PC World magazine later referred to the software's 'gargantuan size' and 'lethargy.'

Back In Action Los Gatos

'[E]ven the recent 1.2 release is too buggy for general use,' carped PC World‘s Robert Lauriston in the February 1990 issue. 'Consequently, it's little used except by software developers, and large corporations with on-staff programmers.'

Meanwhile, Microsoft was two-timing the operating system it had co-created. In May 1990, it released Windows 3.0, the first version that was sort of decent. In terms of technical underpinnings, it remained creaky, but it gave garden-variety PCs the same sort of Mac-like pretty front end that OS/2 aspired to deliver. Consumers and businesses embraced Windows by the millions, instantly turning it from an apparent dud into a blockbuster. Every PC maker in the industry except IBM soon standardized on it.

Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac OS

With Windows suddenly flourishing, Microsoft decided it didn't have to share the future of operating systems with anyone else. It not only began to sever ties with IBM but also argued that OS/2 was, in senior vice president of systems software Steve Ballmer's cheery words, 'a dead end.' The software that was originally supposed to be OS/2 3.0 morphed into Windows NT, the modernized version of Windows that both Windows XP and Windows 7 eventually descended from.

Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac Os Catalina

IBM soldiered on by itself, releasing OS/2 2.0 in April 1992, five years after the original OS/2 announcement. It was the first version that seemed less like an experiment and more like a fully realized commercial product.

Unlike Microsoft's Windows 3.1, OS/2 2.0 was a (mostly) 32-bit piece of software, capable of harnessing the full computing power of PCs that used 386 and 486 processors. It could effortlessly and safely multitask OS/2 programs, Windows programs and DOS programs; IBM marketed it heavily as 'a better Windows than Windows,' a claim that had some merit. More than 250 companies declared their intention to deliver OS/2 apps, including biggies such as Lotus, WordPerfect, Borland and Novell.

Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac Os X

'Back from the dead?' wrote PC World‘s Anita Amirrezvani in the July 1992 issue. 'Not quite, but OS/2 has made an unexpected comeback.' She said that business types were giving version 2.0 consideration. But she also pointed out Windows' advantages and noted that OS/2 needed a fast 386 computer with 6 MB of memory and 15 MB to 30 MB of hard-disk space — daunting hardware requirements at the time.

The new version helped OS/2's prospects, at least somewhat: in October, IBM said it had shipped 1.7 million copies, more than all the previous OS/2 versions put together.

In May 1993, IBM released OS/2 2.1; like 2.0 before it, it was greeted as the version of OS/2 that might end the operating system's underdog status. IBM's John Patrick told PC World that even Windows devotees would switch to OS/2, since it multitasked better and crashed less.


With Windows suddenly flourishing, Microsoft decided it didn't have to share the future of operating systems with anyone else. It not only began to sever ties with IBM but also argued that OS/2 was, in senior vice president of systems software Steve Ballmer's cheery words, 'a dead end.' The software that was originally supposed to be OS/2 3.0 morphed into Windows NT, the modernized version of Windows that both Windows XP and Windows 7 eventually descended from.

Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac Os Catalina

IBM soldiered on by itself, releasing OS/2 2.0 in April 1992, five years after the original OS/2 announcement. It was the first version that seemed less like an experiment and more like a fully realized commercial product.

Unlike Microsoft's Windows 3.1, OS/2 2.0 was a (mostly) 32-bit piece of software, capable of harnessing the full computing power of PCs that used 386 and 486 processors. It could effortlessly and safely multitask OS/2 programs, Windows programs and DOS programs; IBM marketed it heavily as 'a better Windows than Windows,' a claim that had some merit. More than 250 companies declared their intention to deliver OS/2 apps, including biggies such as Lotus, WordPerfect, Borland and Novell.

Shadow And Colossus: Back In Action Mac Os X

'Back from the dead?' wrote PC World‘s Anita Amirrezvani in the July 1992 issue. 'Not quite, but OS/2 has made an unexpected comeback.' She said that business types were giving version 2.0 consideration. But she also pointed out Windows' advantages and noted that OS/2 needed a fast 386 computer with 6 MB of memory and 15 MB to 30 MB of hard-disk space — daunting hardware requirements at the time.

The new version helped OS/2's prospects, at least somewhat: in October, IBM said it had shipped 1.7 million copies, more than all the previous OS/2 versions put together.

In May 1993, IBM released OS/2 2.1; like 2.0 before it, it was greeted as the version of OS/2 that might end the operating system's underdog status. IBM's John Patrick told PC World that even Windows devotees would switch to OS/2, since it multitasked better and crashed less.

A 1993 episode of public TV series The Computer Chronicles had a skeptical-sounding title — 'Whatever Happened to OS/2?' — but provided a largely upbeat update on 2.1's prospects:


Still, any evidence that OS/2 was succeeding tended to look puny in the shadow of the overwhelming success of Windows. Most of the software companies that had pledged their support to IBM redeployed their energies to the vastly larger Windows market. In a move that was both symbolic and practical, a magazine that had started out with the name OS/2 changed its name to OS/2 and Windows. And then to Windows and OS/2. And then, inevitably, to Windows.

Getting Warped

OS/2 3.0, released in November 1994, was dubbed OS/2 Warp — part of a concerted effort on IBM's part to make the operating system seem less nerdy and more hip and consumer-friendly.

It even advertised the product on TV. Here's a commercial that tries to explain OS/2 to non-nerds (it seems like the spot gives up halfway through). At the end, it simply says OS/2 is 'a totally cool way to run your computer,' which is both vague and patronizing.


Warp included features, like the ability to tweak any object's settings by right-clicking it, that would show up in Windows years later. Microsoft's big Windows upgrade — code-named 'Chicago' and eventually released as Windows 95 — was still vaporware, and IBM and OS/2 fans hoped that its continued absence might lead Windows to look elsewhere. One OS/2 aficionado, Charles Forsythe, composed a widely circulated satirical press release that had Microsoft offering to put Windows users into cryogenic suspension until Windows 95 was released. (He happens to be a high school buddy with whom I spent countless hours futzing around with computers, before either Windows or OS/2 existed.)

'Like anything that was in some ways ahead of its time,' Forsythe remembers, OS/2 'missed some features that seem obvious now. Probably its biggest weakness was one no one really noticed at the time: it was a single-user operating system at a time when networking was about to make it really important to know who or what is doing this? Today even consumer OSes such as OS X and Windows 7 make a clear distinction between regular and administrative users — even in cases where a PC only has one actual person who uses it.' Robots from 1991 mac os.

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